Sunday, January 3, 2016

Vission and Mission of the education

     The vision and mission of the education has decided and depend on "how to create some one's career".  The main t... thumbnail 1 summary

     The vision and mission of the education has decided and depend on "how to create some one's career". 
The main targets  and goals of  the education:

  •  To prepare children for citizenship
  • To cultivate a skilled workforce
  • To teach cultural literacy
  • To help students become critical thinkers
  • To help students compete in a global marketplace
         While these are related goals, they demonstrate the diversity of expectations and prioritization that society and its educators must manage.Education does not have a single purpose; it serves multiple objectives, and the relative importance of each of these objectives can be very personal. The varied emphasis is a result of the diverse economic, social, spiritual, cultural, and political realities of our individual lives.  Likewise, how we deliver instruction1, and how we measure success in school as a predictive indicator of our future success in society and, indeed, one could argue the metrics for society’s success as a whole, must be updated to match.
To prepare Children for get  citizenship  in well develop countries

The some one wants to get the Citizenship in well developed country they should have goood education,technical skills or some specific tallent.Some person have fullfiiled  requirements for citizenship and person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a state is called as citizenship.

 To cultivate Skilled  workeforce
A segment of the work force with a high skill level that creates significant economic value through the work performed (human capital). Skilled labor is generally characterized by high education or expertise levels and high wages. Skilled labor involves complicated tasks that require specific skill sets, education, training and experience, and may involve abstract thinking.this is the meaning of skilled workforce and education can create a worker with above mention qualities.

To Teach cultural literacy
That's mean the develop the comunucation skils of the society and the people.with the education develop the writing and reading skills is called literacy.

To help students Become a critical thinkers
Some one can generate new ideas of the and concepts is called as critical and experience improve the student's ability of critical thinking.

To help the students compete in global marketplace
Specially in the labour market there is high competision.if there is the vacancy, applied hugh numbers applicants,want get that opertunity should have specific Talents and can help to allocate specific place in globle market.

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